Keep in mind I did not bring a blanket or pillow. One more coincidence to add to the list is my cycling friends, Sebastian and Stephanie, had an extra sleeping bag! So, I slept in that and used my packaged up tent as a pillow. Perfect.
Something else is that, last night, I could not find my toothpaste. I searched in all my bags and could not find it. So, I wandered over to the gas station convenience store to purchase some and they only had huge tubes that came with a toothbrush. Reluctantly, I did not buy any. I borrowed Sebastian's (they were very nice people). Today, after I was done riding, I looked in my bags and found my toothpaste! Now, it would have been no great shame if I had spent a few dollars and gotten another tube of toothpaste. However, I like it when things work out like this and I also think it is important to notice it.
Anyways, I rode about 55 miles today from Mineral to Charlottesville, the home of the University of Virginia. I started at 6:30 AM and got lunch a couple miles outside of Charlottesville at around 11AM right across from Jefferson Vineyards. It was great riding. A bit foggy, with a mist in the air that kept me cool. I stopped somewhere west of Palmyra to sit down on a bench and eat a chocolate bar along the way.
My legs are tired.
After spending so many miles on country roads, I find it a bit frustrating to ride around the bigger cities, such as Charlottesville, with lots of broken glass and traffic. I wanted to find a bike shop because my handlebar grip is coming apart. The employees also might have had a good recommendation for a place to spend the night. According to my map, there are three bike shops in Charlottesville. I found my way to the first one after asking a U.S.P.S delivery woman how to get there. Turns out, they are no longer in business. I get on my netbook and get directions to another shop. Two left turns: easy enough.
I couldn't find it. My map isn't detailed enough and I don't want to get my netbook back out. I stop and ask for directions. One lady steps right up and tells me where to go. Then, just as I'm about to ride away another lady who overheard the directions I just received asks where I'm going. I tell her, and she gives me an unsure look in regards to the directions. However, she is not sure so she does not offer anything else. I ride away.
After a bit, I look at my map and notice that I am leaving Charlottesville. Nowhere near the bike shop. I give up. I don't need the grip anyways. it will last. Plus, I am near a bunch of hotels. I make finding a room my new goal.
The Hampton is full with six weddings, the Red Roof Inn is 150 bucks, the Colonial is also full and the Budget Inn is 85 bucks. I head over the Budget Inn and get a room. I take a long shower and wash all my clothes. I used the room heater to dry them off. I trued my front wheel, got baked spaghetti takeout from across the street, and have been enjoying the free wifi, TV, big bed, and room all to myself. I have slept about 10 hours in the last two days and have a huge day tomorrow. Here's a look a the elevation chart.

Click to enlarge.
I'm riding from right to left and that big thing that looks like a lie on a polygraph is where I am going tomorrow. You can see Charlottesville and the next point to the left, where the "Junction of Blue Ridge Parkway and SR 56" is, is only about 30 miles away. Yikes. This is no joke. I'm getting after it bright and early tomorrow after a full night's sleep tonight.
ReplyDeleteReading your blog with enjoyment. glad you have had such interesting itneractions with helpful people. One note, if I read a previous post correctly you dont have a sleeping bag? If so, I would HIGHLY recommend you get a light weight backpacking bag ASAP. Further you go from big cities your gonna need to camp and need a bag. Stay away from dogs, head winds and follow the never-ending downhill.
Your slightly concerned uncle Howard