Saturday, May 8, 2010

15 more days!

Unfortunately, I have only gone on one short bike ride since New Jersey, which is why I have not posted. However, do not mistake a lack of posts for a lack of enthusiasm. I have been busy preparing for my trip in other ways. 

Yesterday was my last day of work. I quit my job so I could go on this bike ride. The last couple weeks were busier than usual wrapping up all my IT duties. 

I have also been thinking about the supplies I will need to bring on my bike trip. After looking at the route and maps, it is apparent that I will not be sleeping in a bed every night. Most nights will be in a hotel, motel, or hostel. However, there are some uncivilized stretches of road where I might not be able to find one of those places. For those nights, I will carry a small one-person tent to sleep in. 

Also, there are some stretches, particularly in Nevada and Utah, where not only are there no hotels, but there are no services of any kind. This includes water, bathrooms, shelter, and food. In Nevada, there are two such consecutive stretches. The first of which is 78 miles long and the second is 84. Realizing this, I thought it would be smart for me to purchase a water purifier. 

I think I am as prepared as I can be in regards to my supplies. 

Here is the timeline from now until I leave:
May 8 and 9: Cut all my hair off, enjoy my weekend
May 10 - 16: Visiting my uncle and aunt and cousins in Portland!!!
May 17 - 21: Do some overnight bike rides with all my gear.
May 22: My mom and I will drive down to the Washington D.C. area. 
May 23: Start riding!

I will post again once I am back from Portland. I am so excited!


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