Friday, July 2, 2010

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

By Robert Frost

Thirty miles west of Pueblo is a small town named Wetmore. In Wetmore, there is a fork in the road where highway 96 continues north while highway 67 goes west. Highway 67 is where the famous Trans America trail leads on through Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and finally Oregon. Highway 96 is where the not so famous Western Express trail leads through Utah, Nevada, and California. Ryan and Terry's final destination is in Oregon. I'm heading to California. 

It has been a wonderful experience riding with my new friends. Ryan has taught me some great English phrases and some Cochney rhyming slang. Terry has given me a friend in the southern hemisphere to visit. Australia and New Zealand are certainly high on my list. I hope that they recognize how much more memorable they have made this trip for me. 

I don't want to doubt that I will back this way again with my friends. But, way leads on to way...

The Western Express
I feel as though my trip has only begun. In the remaining 1500 miles, I will cross the Rocky Mountains (which I have already begun), climb in and out of canyons in Utah, then scale the mountainous desert of Nevada, and finally descend back to sea level on the Sierra Cascades into California. There are numerous, long stretches with no food or services. I have no idea what awaits me out there. Whatever it is, it's going to be wild.  

As a result of the desolate places I will be traveling through, I am afraid you will have to be patient with blog updates. I imagine it is unlikely that I will be able to find wireless internet all the way across Utah and Nevada. 

Currently, I am in Westcliffe, Colorado at around 7800 feet of elevation enjoying some wifi at a campsite. I started today at 4800 in Pueblo and climbed to 6000 feet in 30 miles to Wetmore. After Wetmore, within 15 miles, I climbed to around 9200 feet then descended the last 10 miles into Westcliffe. I should end tomorrow close to 11,000 feet. 

This is the view from my tent.


View Where is Joe? in a larger map


  1. I am nervous about the "no food." Do you know how to forage in the wild? You could always try to catch a fish, I suppose.

  2. Amazing view! In terms of food- my recommendation is to buy a lot of Cliff Bars if you pass any place soon that may have them. And re-read how to use those water purifiers, correctly. And maybe watch the episode where Bear Grylls drinks his own urine in the desert. Gross.

    Watch out for Bears! And take pictures! So excited for you.

    Love, Sam

  3. dear joe, samuel and i were wondering if you are going to ride back when you get to california. we are enjoying our blog. good job, joey! emily zaas and samuel hochheimer

  4. Joe,

    I'll be thinkin' about ya man!

    Love, Dad

  5. Hi Joe!

    Im the Swedish bicyclist going the other direction... Just checking out your blog (it looks VERY similar to mine... so you must have good taste! :-) ) and I'd also want to thank you again for the ACA map!

    Yesterday I had lunch with Brian, who is going the same direction as you. I hope you catch up with him, so that you can go through the desert together!

    OK, good luck!! /Monica.
